Amiga Plus 1997 #1
Amiga Plus CD - 1997 - No. 01.iso
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Text File
706 lines
1. Gameplay.
2. Installer.
3. Prefsfile.
4. Prefcards.
5. Keys.
6. General.
7. How to make a cardset?
8. What is in your c: directory ?
9. Info & credits.
10. Shareware?
11. Troubleshooting.
For you who don't know how to play Klondike don't panic, I'll
explain this in the following text.
In the initial setup of Klondike there are seven rows in the
upper part of the screen. In the first row lies one card, in the
second two and so on, until in the last row there are seven. You
can only see the front side of the first cards in one row.
In the stock, which is in the lower left corner of the screen,
are the rest of the cards. Now you can put a card of one colour,
on the other colour, but these cards must follow up each other.
e.g. You can put a red three, on a black four (types of cards
are not very important at this point). You can get cards to do this
from another row or the stock in the lower left corner of the screen.
If you can't change anything in the upper part of the screen, you
must click on the stock to rotate the cards in the stock and you
get a new card on top of the stock (remember: in the very easy level
the stock turns with one card and in the other two levels with
three cards).
On the four ace places in the lower right part of the screen you
can put the aces, followed by a two, three and so on. This must be
the same type of card. e.g. spades.
If you have a king you can put it on an empty place in the upper
screen. You can only do this with a king !!!!!
If you played it right all cards of one kind lie on top of each other
from ace to king. If everything went right only the four
ace places are filled with all the cards and the rest of the
screen is empty.
With the installer you can put this game on your hard drive.
The installer makes automatically a directory called Reko-Productions.
Just click the icon and the official commodore installer
does its work.
In this file you can put the initial settings of the game.
You can do this by editing a small text file called REKO.PREFS .
In this file are the following lines :
#R=P Resolution: P=PAL V=Multiscan D=DoublePal S=Super72
#W=1 Workbench: 0=Off 1=On
#M=1 Music: 0=Off 1=On
#L=C Level: A=Easy B=Normal C=Hard
#C=0 Cardset: 0 to 9 at startup
#- This are the first 10 cardsets
#- The other 10 cardsets (shift 1 to shift 0)
#- The first 10 tunes
#- The extra 10 tunes
You can edit this prefsfile with a simple edit tool. e.g. ed .
If you want to change something just take the right letter.
e.g. If you want doublepal, just type in first line : #R=D
This also applies for the other lines. In the lines : #1= / #9=,
you can choose which cardsets you can pick in the game.
Starting with version 3.0 of Klondike Deluxe, you are always
able to change the settings during gameplay by pressing the
buttons on the prefcards with your mousepointer. When your
cardset contains prefcards, these will be used, otherwise a set
of single bitplane prefcards is shown.
During the game you can also change the settings by:
Press <s> for super72 screen mode. (Not available on a 1942)
Press <v> for multiscan screen mode.
Press <p> for pal screen mode (Default)
Press <d> for double pal screen mode.
Press <a> for level a.
Press <b> for level b.
Press <c> for level c.
Press <w> for closing/opening workbench.
Press <m> for music on/off
Press <1> to <0> for different cardsets.
Press <shift> <1> to <shift> <9> for additional cardsets.
Press <shift> <0> or <f> to get a filerequester.
Press <t> to initiate tune change,
then <1> to <0> for different tunes,
<shift> <1> to <shift> <9> for additional tunes
or <shift> <0> or <f> to get a filerequester.
Press <r> to restart a card game.
Press <Esc> to stop playing.
Level A : the stock turns 1 card at a time. And you can move part
of a row.
Level B : the stock turns 3 cards at a time. And you can move part
of a row.
Level C : the stock turns 3 cards at a time. And you can't move
part of a row.
To move cards you first must select a card by clicking on the left
mousebutton and then you must click on the destination card with
the left mouse button.
Some little things:
- You can move cards automatically to the ace places by double
clicking on the left mouse button.
- You can deselect a card with the right mouse button.
- If you make a wrong card move the source card will be deselected.
- You only get the bonus if you play it in level C.
- Wrong choises cause a 'Screenflash'.
- Don't choose a resolution which isn't mounted. The program
will try to go to PAL or else it will terminate.
- It is possible to choose a lower level while playing. If you choose
a higher level the game restarts.
To begin with there are a number of important values:
Screentypes . . . . . : HAM8/HAM/256/128/64/32/16/8/4 colours.
CardHeight . . . . . . : 130 pixels.
CardWidth . . . . . . : 88 pixels.
Number of cards . . . : 55 (CARD00 - CARD54)
59 (CARD00 - CARD58) Extra in Klondike II
68 (CARD00 - CARD67) Supported but not adviced
in Klondike III
All 3 types of cardsets work in Klondike III.
The order of the cards : CARD00 = REKO-Production card
(Please mention REKO-Productions in this one)
CARD01 = Only a border to show an empty place on
the table
CARD02 = The back of your pack of cards
CARD03 = Ace of Clubs
CARD04 = Ace of Diamonds
CARD05 = Ace of Hearts
CARD06 = Ace of Spades
CARD07 = Two of Clubs
. .
. .
. .
CARD53 = King of Hearts
CARD54 = King of Spades
CARD55 = Most left botpic > Please mention
CARD56 = Middle left botpic > REKO-Productions
CARD57 = Middle right botpic > in one of these
CARD58 = Most right botpic > four cards.
We advice you not to attach the following cards to
your cardsets, because they take up about 100K of
harddisk space per set (in our case more then 4 Mb
in total) and it also costs extra memory when
running the game (The owners of an A1200 with
Harddisk and just 2 Mb of memory will be very
grateful!). Version 3 of the game works with
standard prefcards which only take 13 Kb of memory.
CARD59 = Prefscard 1 (General)
CARD60 = Prefscard 2 (Prefs)
CARD61 = Prefscard 3 (Resolution)
CARD62 = Prefscard 4 (Select)
CARD63 = Prefscard 5 (Miscellaneous)
CARD64 = Prefscard 6 (Music)
CARD65 = Prefscard 7 (Level)
CARD66 = Prefscard 8 (Confirm)
CARD67 = Prefscard 9 (About)
Remember, all the cards of one set have to use the same colourpalette.
The values mentioned above are absolutely necessary!
A bunch of helpful pictures are in the subdirectory MAKE-CARDS!!!
OK, let's start:
Well, since my instructions in the previous version of Klondike were
insufficient,I will try to explain the construction of a cardset step
by step. The pagenumbers (p.00) refer to the pages in the manuals of the
packages used (AdPro V2.5 and DPaint V4.6).
The original (and adapted) explanation is also included after the new one.
Well, after having obtained enough pictures (from CD-ROM or after
scanning) I decide what type of cardset to make:
- HAM8 for the most colourful
- 256 colours for the sharpest result with a lot of colours
- 16 colours for a very fast cardset
- or something in between.
OK, let's do a HAM8 set (I'll give some hints about the others on the way).
- The first step (sizing the pictures):
I use AdPro to scale (p.251) and crop-visual (p.230) the pictures into the
size 86 wide and 128 high (The border of the cards is now going to fit
around it.) and save them in 24bit IFF RAW format, (In this way the
maximum of information about this tiny picture is available.) even if
the original picture is only 256 colours. (When reducing the picture's
size, colour-information of several pixels is combined into one, so more
than 256 colours are caused.)
I don't dispose of these 24bit images until the cardset is finished,
they might come in handy later.
- The second step (making the right palette):
I use EGS-Paint to put a number of the 24bit images together (you could
also use AdPro's Image Compositing option (p.95)).
The combined picture gives an acceptable range of colours used in the
total cardset. This picture is now rendered to the graphic format wanted
(AdPro) for the cardset (in this case HAM8). The palette of this picture
is almost the palette I want.
Now I examine the 64 base-colours in the palette to choose some colours.
Then I start moving colours around (p.119) in the palette,
firstly I put my chosen backgroundcolour in the first position.
Then I place red white and black at the beginning of the palette too.
And last I put two similar colours at position 20 and 24 (the colours
of the sprites marking the selected cards).
With this palette I make the entire cardset.
- The third step (making the cardpics):
At this stage an Arexx frontend of AdPro (like ProControl) might come in
handy, because all the pictures have to be rendered to the correct format
and palette. Here's how, I load the constructed palette into Adpro and
lock it (p.125). Then I load picture after picture and render them to the
right format (HAM8). (If your machine contains enough memory, you could
also put all the 24bit images together in one big picture and render this
in one BIG go. This is also handy because you can use this big picture
later on in DPaint.)
Oh yes, don't forget to render a border and a symbolbrush to the right
- The fourth step (making cards from pics):
This is where most of the work happens. Here I use DPaint to get the
borders around the pictures and the symbols inside the borders.
When I have a large amount of pictures to choose from, I put them all
together in one big picture, to pick out the best. (After reducing and
rendering some of the pictures look horrible, so I try to make 75 pictures
to choose from.)
Well, here it comes. I start DPaint in the right format (HAM8) (The
resolution is not important, REKO doesn't mind if you like to develop
your cards in lores/no-lace, in the game it'll be OK).
Then I load the pictures as a brush. Looks terrible, but that's because
the colourpalette has to be fixed. Here I use Palette>Use Brush Palette
(p.47) from DPaint. Here I always find a quirk in DPaint, because I have
to select the right Forground and Background colour and then clearscreen
to have a normal screen to work with. After this (only once per cardset)
I stamp down the first picture. Normally I already had the border and
symbolbrush loaded, but this can be done now too.
I put these two somewhere else on the screen.
TIP: Be sure your border is a Primary colour (one of the 64 first colours
in your DPaint Palette (A to D)). Also check if your symbols are of the
right colours. If not, rework these things first, otherwise they might
ruin your work.
Now I grab the border as a brush and paint it around the picture (Using
the DPaint Grid-option might come in handy).
Then the correct symbol is painted in the picture.
At this stage you might find out that some of the pictures were better
off mirrored, so if you still have your 24Bit cards you can do just that
with AdPro's Horizontal Flip (p.235). I now have a card standing in the
middle of a Dpaint screen. To prevent this from getting rubbish I grab
it as a brush, but with one line of backgroundcolour all around it (using
the right-mousebutton also removes it to be replaced by the next picture).
We repeat this for all the pictures.
- The fifth step (making usable cards from useless cards):
At this stage I have a lot of cards I can't use (to big and in
Here I use AdPro again. I load and lock the palette, and then one by one
I load the useless cards. Here I use the Crop-Image Operator (p.228) with
X-offset = 1, Y-Offset = 1, Height = 130 and Width = 88.
Then I render them again to the right format (Yep, HAM8).
Now they have to be saved with names the REKO-command understands.
(look at the table above)
- The sixth step (making the REKO-file):
At this stage all my newly made cards are in one subdirectory. So, I
open a shell, make this subdir the current directory and then I type
in the REKO command.
Something like this:
1> REKO CARD00 55
of course the names are not important, only all names of the cards have to
be the same and they have to be numbered from 00 up to 54/58/67.
This results in a card.reko-file in your RAM-Disk. Be sure to have
enough memory available (Don't do this when AdPro is eating up all your
precious memory).
- The seventh step (installing the cardset):
Just move your new cardset (after renaming it, I guess) to the CARDS
subdirectory and change your REKO-prefs.
- The last step (YES, DO IT):
Get yourself an envelope, a disk, some stamps and a pen.
Copy the cardset on the disk, put the disk in the envelope, put the
stamps on the envelope and write on the envelope:
p/a Remy Nusteling
Krommedijk 145
3312 LC Dordrecht
The Netherlands.
Run to the nearest POSTOFFICE and drop the envelope in the MAIL.
Now run back home, start your favourite game and play your newly
made cardset.
Start of the original (and adapted) explanation:
| - Get 53 (or 4 more for bottom) different pictures.
| - Change their size so you can cut out a card 88 x 130 big.
| (You can use the cutters in MAKE-CARDS, to get the right size
| and to remove the corner pixels. Load your picture in a paint-
| program and use the cutter as brush.
| Then press the paint backgroundcolour-button.)
| - Use a program (TAD/ADPRO/IMAGE-FX/IMAGEMASTER-PRO????) in which you
| can lock your pallete to get all your palletes the same.
| (Load your first picture (eg. CARD00), lock the palette, load the
| next, render new colours, save second picture, load the next and so
| on....)
| - Don't forget to adjust the pallette of a SYMBOLS and CARD01 file if
| you don't intent to use one of our CARD00 cards.
| - If you want a border around your cards, you could use a FRAME from
| - Now put the SYMBOLS in your cards.
| (Don't place them to low, because then you won't be able to read them
| when your cards are overlapping.)
| - At this point you should have 55 (or 59) pictures, with matching
| palettes and all 88 x 130 pixels big.
| - Rename these pictures so their names are xxxxxx00 to xxxxxx54 (58/68),
| where xxxxxx is whatever you like but is the same for all 55 (59/69).
| - Open a shell.
| - Make the subdirectory which contains your cards the current one.
| - At this point you have to use the REKO command, so make sure it is
| in your search-path. (HD-install has put it in your C: directory.)
| - Type on the commandline: REKO xxxxxx00 55 (59/69)
| Now a cardset is being created in your RAM-Disk with the name
| card.reko.
| - All you have to do now is rename it to whatever you like (no embedded
| spaces), put it in the CARDS subdirectory and change your REKO-Prefs
| accordingly.
End of the original (and adapted) explanation:
Well, that's all folks, Happy Cardmaking:
Koos Roodbol,
8.What is in your c: directory ?
8.1.0. ReKo file viewer V2.0
This is a utility for Klondike Deluxe AGA.
This little program can view all cards of a REKO cardset file.
From the command line you can execute this command if you type :
Showreko <cardset file>
You can also use this cardset viewer in Diropus.
These steps you have to take if you want it installed in
DirOpus :
1. Start DirOpus and choose the configuration option.
2. Now click on the 'filetypes' button.
3. Click on the 'new' gadget and choose 'amiga program' from the menu.
4. Click on the 'edit class' gadget.
5. Click on 'Match $000003F3' and change '$000003F3' in 'REKO' <return>.
6. Click on the "okay" gadget.
7. Now choose 'New entry' and click on the rotate gadget until you get
the 'amiga dos' gadget.
8. Click on the edit line and type : c:Showreko {f} <return>
9. Click on the "okay" gadget until you get your normal opus screen back.
1.0 First full working version.
1.1 Bugs removed.
2.0 Optimized and uses half the amount of memory as previous versions
If you find any bugs or you want to contact us, write to :
REKO Productions
Krommedijk 145
3312 LC Dordrecht
The Netherlands
8.2.0.The REKO cardset stripper V1.0
StripReko is a program to strip the preferences cards of a Klondike II
cardset to save memory.
From the command line you can execute this command if you type :
StripReko <cardset file> <number of cards left>
If you type this, the program creates a file called card.reko and saves
it in your current directory.
Choose for number of cards 55 cards if you want to strip the preferences
and the four pictures of the "ace places".
Choose for number of cards 59 cards if you want to strip only the preferences
Don't choose another amount of cards as above, because the Klondike Game
will probably crash if you do.
1.0 Full working version. No known bugs.
If you find any bugs or you want to contact us, write to :
REKO Productions
Krommedijk 145
3312 LC Dordrecht
The Netherlands
8.3.0.The Reko cardset creator V3.0
With this program you can make your own cardsets for Klondike.
If you want to make a cardset please refer to "How to make a cardset"
in this manual.
In the command line type :
Reko <Filename of first card > < number of cards >
If you type this, the program creates a file called card.reko and saves
it in your current directory.
1.0 First working version. Only Ham 8
2.0 Removed a memory bug. All amiga formats
3.0 Removed a few minor bugs and optimized all.
If you find any bugs or you want to contact us, write to :
REKO Productions
Krommedijk 145
3312 LC Dordrecht
The Netherlands
People who worked on this game:
Programming . . . : Remy Nusteling & Koos Roodbol
Scanning . . . . : Koos Roodbol
Intro/End picture : Koos Roodbol
Extra pixeling . : Remy Nusteling & Koos Roodbol
Nice Music . . . : Roy Glerum
Beta-testing . . : (Turbo) Ties van Mourik
Jeff van Hooijdonk
Thanks to Teijo Kinnunen for using your med.library.
After distribution of Klondike II we (Hurray!) received more letters and
cardsets from people all around the World. So, our disappointment at the
lack of reactions is, we're happy to say, gone.
Still, we decided to keep Klondike III SHAREWARE.
This has a very simple reason:
All our registered users can order cardsets from us at an incredible budget-
price of NLG 1,50 (that's USD 0,90) a cardset. This price includes
floppy's, a special envelope and stamps. Of course there is a minimal amount
of cardsets to be ordered at a time (Read the story about money underneath).
At the moment we ask the people to send us Dutch cash (Available in notes of
NLG ten, twentyfive, fifty and up).
This due to the fact that banks charge us NLG 15,- to cash in a cheque.
Because of this, we already have enough uncashed cheques in our possession
and a negative result on our bank-account (We still send our users what they
asked us for).
Klondike III is again fully functional, because we still hate
pop-up-shareware-requesters and otherwise crippled programs.
This leaves it totally up to you to pay a shareware fee or not.
We won't even threaten about not doing anything anymore, like enhancing or
changing this game, because we enjoy fiddling around with it.
But of course encouragement is appreciated and a little support even more.
You can register as an authorized Klondike III user by:
- sending a reasonable amount (NLG 20,- and you'll get two cardsets in
return) of money to our address
CASH (preferably Dutch currency) and NO CHEQUES
- sending us a cardset (or more) you made yourself
(It's nice to see cardsets floating around on Aminet, but it's even
nicer to get them in the mail). This time you won't get your disks
back because we see them as some sort of payment.
Registered users will get (at least two) 'Newsletters' about Klondike III
(New cardsets available, possible future enhancements, etc.) and the
possibility to order new cardsets from us against very reasonable
prices (Well, probably you've already read this above).
Well, we really hope to hear from you soon.
To contact REKO PRODUCTIONS write to:
p/a Remy Nusteling p/a Koos Roodbol
Krommedijk 145 Hoekkamp 30
3312 LC Dordrecht 3343 CJ H.I.Ambacht
The Netherlands The Netherlands
If you are reading this, something must have gone wrong.
Now it's up to me, to figure out what it is.
Well, there's one group of Amiga-users who might get a problem we can
predict. If you're using an Amiga with only 2 Mb of memory and there's
a harddisk fitted in your system then Klondike III has a problem.
It just needs to much memory:
- 700 Kb for a HAM8-cardset
- 300 Kb for the ingame-music
- 320 Kb for the screen
- 40 Kb for the program
- 100 Kb for library's and table's
And your system also uses a lot of memory for your workbench-screen,
harddisk-buffers, library's, commodities and a lot more.
All in all, this might be more than 2 Mb. So of course Klondike III won't
Solve this problem by taking the following measures one at a time:
1: Turn of the Music in your REKO.prefs file ( #M=0 )
2: Start the game with another than HAM8 cardset eg. Standard.REKO ( #C=2 )
3: Put your workbench in 4 colours 320x256 resolution before starting
4: Forget Klondike III exists because it will never work on your system.
Copyrighted by: REKO PRODUCTIONS.